
Diclofenac Diclofenac
in stock: 100+ Article: 1000030

Other Name: Abitren,Aclonac,Actinoma,Actisuny,Adefuronic,Afenac,Ainezyl,Aldoron,Alefen,Alflam,Algefit-gel,Algicler,Algifen,Algioxib,Algosenac,Allvoran,Almiral,Amofen,Analpan,Anavan,Anfenac,Anodyne,Anthraxiton,Apiclof,Aproxol,Araclof,Areston,Arthrex,Arthrotec,Artren,Artridene,Artrifenac,Artrites,Artrofenac,Aspizone,Assaren,Astefin,Atranac,Autdol,Banoclus,Batafil,Befol,Begita,Beonac,Berifen,Betafil,Betaren,Biclopan,Biofenac,Blesin,Bolabomin,C-fenac,Caflaamtil,Calmoflex,Cambia,Campal,Catafast,Cataflam,Catanac,Clafen,Clofast,Clofec,Clofenac,Clofenal,Clofenil,Clonac,Cofac,Combaren,Cordralan,Cordralan r,Cotilam,Coyenpin,Curinflam,D-fenac,Daispas,Dealgic,Decafen,Declophen,Dedlor,Dedolor,Defanac,Deflagesic,Deflam,Deflamat,Deflox,Delimon,Denaclof,Dencorub,Diaflam,Diagesic,Diastone,Dichronic,Dichrophenon,Diclabeta,Diclac,Diclac dolo,Diclachexal,Diclachexal retard,Diclac lipogel,Diclanex,Diclax,Diclo,Diclo-k,Dicloabak,Diclo al akut,Diclobene,Diclobene rapid,Dicloberl,Diclobion,Diclobru,Dicloced,Diclocular,Diclod,Diclodan,Dicloduo,Diclo duo,Diclof,Diclofan,Diclofar,Diclofast,Diclofen,Diclofenaco,Diclofenacum,Diclofenbeta,Dicloflam,Dicloflame,Dicloflex,Diclofrot gel,Dicloftal,Dicloftil,Diclogen,Diclogrand,Diclogyn,Diclohem-p,Diclohexal,Diclojet,Diclo k,Diclokalium,Diclomar,Diclomax,Diclomek,Diclomel,Diclomelan,Diclomol,Diclon,Diclonac,Diclonat,Diclonatrium,Diclonex,Diclon rapid,Diclopal,Diclophlogont,Dicloplast,Diclora,Dicloral,Dicloran,Diclorapid,Diclorarpe,Dicloratio,Diclorengel,Dicloreum,Diclorex,Diclosal,Diclosan,Diclosin,Diclostad,Diclostan,Diclostar,Diclosyl,Diclotab,Diclotard,Diclotaren,Diclotears,Diclovat,Diclovit,Diclowal,Diclox,Dicloziaja,Dicogel,Difadol,Difen,Difen-stulln,Difenac,Difenak,Difenax,Difend,Difene,Difenet,Diflam,Diflex,Difnac,Difnal,Difnan,Dignofenac,Diklason,Diklofen,Diklofenak,Dikloferol,Diklonat p,Dikloron,Dikmed,Diky,Dinac,Dinaclord,Dinopen,Dioxaflex,Dioxaflex gel,Diralon,Di retard,Dirret,Disflam,Disipan,Dival,Divido,Divoltar,Divon,Dix-tr,Dnaren,Docdiclofe,Docell,Doflex,Dolaren,Dolaut,Dolflam,Dolmina,Dolocordralan,Dolocort,Dolofarmalan,Dolofenac,Dolo jet,Dolo liviolex,Doloneitor,Dolorex,Dolostrip,Dolo tomanil,Dolotren,Dolpasse,Dolvan,Dorcalor,Doriflan,Doroxan,Doxtran,Dropflam,Dyclo,Dycon,Dyloject,Dyna-pentoxifylline,Dynak,Ecofenac,Edase-d,Edifenac,Eeze,Eezeneo,Effekton,Effigel,Eflagen,Elithris,Elitiran,Elitiran-gp,Emifenac,Emov,Epifenac,Erdon,Erdon gel,Evinopon,Exaflam,Exflam,Eyeclof,Felogel,Feloran,Fenac,Fenacidon,Fenacop retard,Fenactol,Fenadol,Fenaflam,Fenalgic,Fenaren,Fenavel,Fender,Fengel,Fenil-v,Fenisole,Fenisun,Fenoclof,Fensaide,Fenytaren,Fervex,Ficlon,Fisiodol,Flam-x,Flamar,Flamatak,Flameril,Flamquit,Flamydol,Flamygel,Flector,Flefarmin,Flexen,Flexin,Flexiplen,Flicon,Flogam,Flogaren,Flogofenac,Flogolisin,Flogozan,Flotac,Flugofenac,Fluxpiren,Fortedol,Fortenac,Fortfen,Fustaren,Galedol,Genac,Grofenac,Hifenac,Hipo sport,I-gesic,Iglodine,Imanol,Imflac,Inac,Infla-ban,Inflaforte,Inflamac,Inflamac rapid,Inflanac,Inflaren k,Inflased,Instantin,Intafenac,Intafenac-k,Irinatolon,Itami,Joflam,Jonac,Jonac gel,Jutafenac,K-fenak,Kadiflam,Kaditic,Kaflam,Kaflan,Kalidren,Kamaflam,Katafenac,Kefentech,Klafenac,Klafenac-d,Klaxon,Klodic,Klofen-l,Klonafenac,Klotaren,Laflanac,Lertus,Lesflam,Levedad,Leviogel,Linac,Liroken,Locopain,Lonac,Lorbifenac,Luase,Lubri-k,Luparen,Lydofen,Mafena,Majamil,Masaren,Matsunaflam,Maxilerg,Maxit,Meclophen,Medifen,Megafen,Merflam,Mericut,Merpal,Merxil,Metaflex,Miyadren,Mobifen,Mobigel,Modifenac,Monoflam,Motifene,Myogit,Naboal,Nac,Naclof,Nadifen,Naklofen,Nalgiflex,Nasida,Natrija diklofenaks,Natrijev diklofenak,Natura fenac,Nediclon,Neo-dolaren,Neo-pyrazon,Neodol,Neodolpasse,Neofenac,Neriodin,Neurofenac,Nichoflam,Nilaren,Norfenac,Nortid,Novapirina,Novarin,Noxiflex,Ocubrax,Oftic,Oftulix,Optifenac,Optobet,Orfenac,Orgafen,Ortofen,Ortofena,Ortofeno gelis,Painex,Painex gele,Panamor,Parafortan,Pennsaid,Pinanac,Pirexyl,Polyflam,Prekursan,Primofenac,Pritaren,Profenac,Proflam,Proladin,Prolertus,Pro lertus,Prophenatin,Provoltar,Pudaren,Putaren,Quer-out,Rapidus,Rapten,Ratiogel,Rati salil d,Reclofen,Rectos,Refen,Relaxyl,Relova,Remafen,Remethan,Renadinac,Renvol,Retilon,Reuflogin,Reutren,Rewodina,Rhemarene,Rheumafen,Rheumarene,Rheumatac,Rheumavek,Rhewlin,Rodinac,Rofenac,Romatim,Ronac-tr,Rumafen,Ruvominox,Safenac-tr,Salicrem,Sannax,Savismin sr,Scanaflam,Scantaren,Sifen,Silfox,Sipirac,Sofarin,Solaraze,Soludol,Solunac,Sorelmon,Stafulmin,Still,Subsyde,Supragesic,Surpass,Sylmes,Tabiflex,Taks,Tarfenac,Tekodin,Thicataren,Tirmaclo,Tobrafen,Tomanil,Topfans,Topflam,Tratul,Traumus,Tromagesic,Tromax,Turbogesic,Turbogesic lch,Uniclophen,Unifen,Uniren,Uno,Urigon,Valto,Veltex,Vendrex,Vesalion,Vetin,Viavox,Vifenac,Vimultisa,Virobron,Volcan,Volero,Volfenac,Volhasan,Volmatik,Volna-k,Volnac,Volpro,Volsaid,Voltadex,Voltadol,Voltadvance,Voltalin,Voltamicin,Voltapatch,Voltarenactigo,Voltarol,Voltarène,Voltatabs,Volten,Voltenac,Voltex,Voltfast,Voltic,Voltum,Vonafec,Vonfenac,Vostar,Vostar-r,Vostar-s,Votalin,Votaxil,Votrex,Vurdon,Weren,X-flam,Xedenol,Xedol,Xelaran,Xenid,Xepathritis,Yariflam,Youfenac,Zegren,Zeroflog,Zipsor,Zolterol Show more

Analogs of: Diclofenac Gel, Voltaren

Active Ingredient: Diclofenac

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Overview of Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction to Diclofenac

    • Diclofenac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly used to treat pain and inflammation. It is effective in managing conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, dental pain, and menstrual cramps. Diclofenac is available in various forms, including oral tablets, topical gels, and injectable solutions, providing flexibility in its administration.
  2. Key Benefits and Unique Properties of Diclofenac

    • Effective Pain Relief: Provides significant relief for mild to moderate pain.
    • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Reduces inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions with an inflammatory component.
    • Versatile Administration Routes: Available in oral, topical, and injectable forms, allowing for tailored treatment based on patient needs.
    • Rapid Onset of Action: Offers quick pain relief, typically within 30 minutes to an hour after administration.
    • Extended Release Formulations: Provides prolonged pain relief, enhancing patient comfort and adherence.
  3. Effectiveness of Diclofenac

    • Diclofenac's effectiveness in managing pain and inflammation is well-documented in clinical trials and real-world use. It is widely used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other musculoskeletal disorders, providing patients with significant symptom relief.
  4. Safety and Tolerability of Diclofenac

    • Diclofenac is generally well-tolerated when used as directed. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, indigestion, and abdominal pain. Serious side effects can include gastrointestinal bleeding, cardiovascular events, and kidney dysfunction, particularly with long-term use. Regular monitoring and adherence to prescribed doses minimize these risks.

Indications for Use of Diclofenac

  1. Diseases and Conditions Treated by Diclofenac

    • Diclofenac is indicated for the treatment of various pain and inflammatory conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, muscle pain, dental pain, and menstrual cramps.
  2. Primary Symptoms and Indications for Diclofenac

    • Arthritis: Reduces pain and inflammation in conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Muscle Pain: Alleviates pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal injuries.
    • Menstrual Cramps: Provides relief from dysmenorrhea.
    • Dental Pain: Effective in managing post-dental procedure pain and inflammation.

Dosage and Administration of Diclofenac

  1. Recommended Dosage of Diclofenac

    • The typical dose for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is 100-150 mg per day, divided into smaller doses or as an extended-release formulation. For acute pain or menstrual cramps, the usual dose is 50 mg taken two to three times daily.
  2. Timing and Frequency of Diclofenac Administration

    • Arthritis Treatment: Taken once or twice daily, depending on the formulation.
    • Acute Pain: Administered as needed, typically two to three times a day.
    • Topical Application: Applied to the affected area as directed, usually two to four times a day.
  3. Additional Recommendations for Diclofenac Use

    • Proper Use: Follow the dosing instructions provided by a healthcare professional. Take the medication with food or milk to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
    • Missed Dose: If a dose is missed, take it as soon as remembered unless it is almost time for the next dose. Do not double the dose to make up for the missed one.
    • Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are important to monitor for potential side effects and adjust the dose if necessary.

Mechanism of Action of Diclofenac

  1. Description of Diclofenac Mechanism

    • Diclofenac works by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are mediators of inflammation and pain, and by reducing their production, Diclofenac alleviates pain and inflammation.
  2. Biochemical Processes Involving Diclofenac

    • Inhibition of COX Enzymes: Diclofenac inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, leading to a reduction in prostaglandin synthesis.
    • Reduction of Inflammatory Mediators: Decreases levels of inflammatory mediators, resulting in reduced inflammation and pain.
  3. Physiological Effects of Diclofenac

    • Pain Relief: Provides significant pain relief by reducing the levels of prostaglandins.
    • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Decreases inflammation, swelling, and stiffness in affected tissues.

Composition of Diclofenac

  1. Ingredients in Diclofenac
    • Diclofenac contains the active ingredient diclofenac sodium or diclofenac potassium, which is responsible for its therapeutic effects.
    • Inactive ingredients may include lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, and other excipients depending on the formulation. These ingredients help stabilize the formulation and ensure proper delivery of the medication.

Side Effects of Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Understanding potential side effects helps ensure the safe use of Diclofenac. Patients should be aware of common and serious side effects to monitor their health effectively while on the medication.
  2. Possible Side Effects of Diclofenac

    • Common Side Effects: Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. Other common side effects include headache, dizziness, and rash.
    • Less Common Side Effects: Edema, hypertension, and liver enzyme abnormalities.
    • Serious Side Effects: Rare but serious side effects include gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcers, severe allergic reactions, kidney dysfunction, and cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke.
  3. Frequency and Severity of Diclofenac Side Effects

    • Common side effects are generally mild and manageable with dose adjustments and supportive care. Serious side effects are rare but can be life-threatening, necessitating immediate medical intervention. Regular follow-ups and patient education on correct usage can minimize risks.

Prevention of Side Effects of Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Preventing side effects is key to maximizing the therapeutic benefits of Diclofenac. By following preventive measures, patients can reduce the likelihood of experiencing adverse reactions.
  2. Tips for Preventing Diclofenac Side Effects

    • Proper Technique: Use Diclofenac as directed, following the instructions for proper administration.
    • Regular Monitoring: Regular check-ups with healthcare providers can help detect and manage potential side effects early.
    • Consult Healthcare Providers: Inform your healthcare provider about any other medications or supplements to avoid potential interactions.
    • Take with Food: Take Diclofenac with food or milk to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
    • Hydration and Nutrition: Maintain adequate hydration and a balanced diet to support overall health.

Contraindications for Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Understanding contraindications ensures the safe use of Diclofenac. Certain conditions and diseases may preclude the use of this medication.
  2. Conditions and Diseases Contraindicating Diclofenac

    • Gastrointestinal Ulcers: Contraindicated in patients with active gastrointestinal bleeding or peptic ulcers.
    • Cardiovascular Disease: Use with caution in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease, as Diclofenac can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
    • Renal Impairment: Use with caution in patients with severe renal impairment, as it may worsen kidney function.
    • Hypersensitivity: Patients with a known hypersensitivity to Diclofenac or other NSAIDs should not use this medication.

Warnings/Precautions for Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Following precautions is essential to ensure the safe and effective use of Diclofenac. Patients should be informed about potential risks and how to mitigate them.
  2. Important Warnings for Diclofenac

    • Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Monitor for signs of gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in patients with a history of ulcers or gastrointestinal disorders.
    • Cardiovascular Risk: Monitor blood pressure and watch for signs of cardiovascular events, particularly in patients with preexisting cardiovascular conditions.
    • Renal Function: Monitor kidney function regularly, especially in patients with renal impairment or those taking diuretics.
    • Allergic Reactions: Be alert for signs of severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing.
  3. Precautions for Diclofenac Use

    • Regular Monitoring: Regular check-ups with healthcare providers are essential to monitor for potential side effects and ensure effective treatment.
    • Patient Education: Educate patients on the signs and symptoms of serious side effects and when to seek medical help.
    • Lifestyle Adjustments: Encourage lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption to support overall health.

Missed Dose of Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Proper management of missed doses helps maintain effective treatment outcomes. Patients should be aware of how to handle missed doses to avoid disruptions in their treatment regimen.
  2. Steps to Take if a Dose is Missed

    • Timely Action: Take the missed dose as soon as remembered unless it is almost time for the next dose.
    • Avoid Doubling: Do not double the dose to make up for the missed one. Instead, continue with the next dose as scheduled.
  3. Tips for Adherence to Dosing Schedule

    • Set Reminders: Use alarms or reminders on your phone to remember to take your doses.
    • Consistent Routine: Take the medication at the same time every day to reduce the likelihood of missing a dose.
    • Medication Organizer: Use a pill organizer tokeep track of your doses and avoid missing any.

Drug Interactions with Diclofenac

  1. General Introduction

    • Understanding drug interactions is crucial for ensuring the safe use of Diclofenac. Some medications can affect the action of Diclofenac or increase the risk of side effects.
  2. Examples of Drug Interactions

    • Anticoagulants: Concurrent use with anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin) can increase the risk of bleeding.
    • Antihypertensives: Diclofenac can reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive medications, such as ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, and diuretics.
    • Corticosteroids: Combined use can increase the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.
    • Lithium: Diclofenac can increase lithium levels, leading to toxicity.
    • Methotrexate: Concurrent use can increase the risk of methotrexate toxicity.
  3. Preventing Negative Interactions

    • Inform Healthcare Providers: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications and supplements you are taking.
    • Monitor for Symptoms: Watch for signs of side effects or unusual reactions and report them to your healthcare provider promptly.
    • Read Labels Carefully: Check labels for potential interactions with other medications, especially over-the-counter drugs that may also contain similar active ingredients.

Overdose of Diclofenac

  1. Symptoms of Overdose

    • Common Symptoms: Overdose can lead to symptoms such as severe dizziness, fainting, extreme thirst, muscle pain or weakness, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting.
    • Severe Symptoms: Severe overdose may result in significant electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and kidney failure.
  2. Immediate Actions in Case of Overdose

    • Seek Medical Help: Immediately seek medical attention if an overdose is suspected.
    • Supportive Measures: Medical personnel may provide supportive measures such as monitoring vital signs, administering intravenous fluids, and correcting electrolyte imbalances.

Pharmacokinetics of Diclofenac

  1. Absorption

    • Rate and Extent: Diclofenac is well absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma concentrations occurring within 1.5 to 2 hours for immediate-release formulations.
  2. Distribution

    • Tissue Distribution: Diclofenac is widely distributed throughout the body and is highly protein-bound, which affects its distribution in tissues.
  3. Metabolism

    • Metabolic Pathways: Diclofenac is metabolized in the liver by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, primarily CYP2C9.
  4. Elimination

    • Excretion: The drug and its metabolites are excreted primarily through the urine, with a smaller portion excreted in the feces. The elimination half-life is approximately 1 to 2 hours.

Dosage Forms of Diclofenac

  1. Available Forms and Strengths

    • Oral Tablets: Typically available in immediate-release (50 mg, 75 mg) and extended-release (100 mg) formulations.
    • Topical Gels: Available in various concentrations (e.g., 1%, 3%) for localized pain relief.
    • Injectable Form: Available for use in clinical settings for rapid administration.
    • Transdermal Patches: Available for continuous, long-lasting pain relief.
  2. Advantages of Different Forms

    • Oral Tablets: Convenient for daily use and easy administration.
    • Topical Gels: Suitable for localized pain relief with minimal systemic absorption.
    • Injectable Form: Provides rapid relief in acute situations.
    • Transdermal Patches: Offer continuous, long-lasting relief with convenient administration.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

  1. Safety During Pregnancy

    • Risks to Fetus: The safety of Diclofenac during pregnancy has not been fully established. It is generally avoided during the third trimester due to the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus.
    • Recommendations: Pregnant women should use Diclofenac only if clearly needed and under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
  2. Safety During Breastfeeding

    • Excretion in Breast Milk: Diclofenac is excreted in breast milk in small amounts. The effects on a nursing infant are unknown.
    • Recommendations: Consult a healthcare provider before using Diclofenac while breastfeeding to ensure safety for the mother and baby.

Storage Conditions

  1. General Storage Recommendations

    • Storage Temperature: Store at room temperature between 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).
    • Protection from Light and Moisture: Keep in the original packaging, protected from light and moisture.
  2. Shelf Life

    • Expiration Date: Check the expiration date on the package and do not use the medication after it has expired.

Clinical Trials and Efficacy

  1. Overview of Clinical Trials

    • Study Design and Methods: Clinical trials include randomized controlled trials assessing the efficacy and safety of Diclofenac in treating various pain and inflammatory conditions.
  2. Key Findings and Conclusions

    • Efficacy Results: Studies have shown that Diclofenac effectively reduces pain and inflammation in conditions such as arthritis and musculoskeletal injuries. It is often used as a first-line treatment for these conditions.
    • Safety Profile: Side effects are generally manageable with dose adjustments and monitoring. Serious side effects are rare when used correctly.


  1. Summary of Key Aspects:

    • Diclofenac is a versatile medication for managing pain and inflammation. It offers significant benefits in pain relief and has multiple administration routes for flexibility in treatment.
  2. Recommendations for Improving Therapy:

    • Follow healthcare professional instructions, adhere to prescribed dosages, and attend regular check-ups to optimize treatment and minimize side effects. Monitoring and adjusting lifestyle factors, such as maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise, can further enhance the therapeutic benefits.
  3. Final Conclusion:

    • Diclofenac provides essential support in managing pain and inflammation, helping to improve the quality of life for patients. Proper use and adherence to precautions maximize the therapeutic benefits and minimize risks, offering substantial improvements in patient health and well-being.

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